Christ Renews His Parish (C.R.H.P.) is a spiritual process which brings women of St. John’s Parish together to experience renewal, spiritual growth and Christian community in the environment of the parish. This process emphasizes the need for daily prayer, scripture reading and sharing in community for one’s spiritual growth to take root and blossom.


In 2018, C.R.H.P. celebrated 35 years of continuous ministry at St. John Vianney. Currently there are women’s retreats held in the spring and fall. Retreats are another means for us to grow close to the Lord and they are an excellent opportunity to meet other parishioners and to become an active part of the parish.


Any woman who has previously attended C.R.H.P. retreat, or a Cursillo, is invited to join the existing team in formation. A new formation process begins after each retreat.


Meetings are Thursday evenings, 7-8:30 p.m. in the St. Clare Room at the Vianney Center, located on the corner of Blind Pass Rd. and 82nd Avenue.


For more information contact the parish office at 727.360.1147



Weekend Mass Times: Saturday 4:00 pm, Sunday 9:30 am & 11:30 am
Masses will take place in the church building or in the tent depending on construction circumstances.

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If you need a priest please call 727.360.1147

445 82nd Avenue,

St. Pete Beach, Florida 33706



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