Bi-Monthly Envelopes

Two-month envelope packets (Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar, Apr/May, Jun/Jul, Aug/Sept, Oct/Nov).


Who Should Order?
Parishioners who live in state year-round.


How are Envelopes Received?
Envelopes are mailed directly to the parishioner.


Annual Box Envelopes

Contains 12-months of envelopes (September-August)


Who Should Order?
Parishioners who live here year-round or parishioners who travel year-round.


How are Envelopes Received?
This box of envelopes is delivered directly to the parish office. The parishioner is responsible for picking up their envelopes at the parish office. If the parishioner is unable to pick-up their envelopes, they may contact the parish office to have them mailed. Envelopes are available at the end of August.


9-Month Seasonal Envelopes

Contains 9-months of envelopes (September-May)


Who Should Order?
Parishioners who do not live here in the summer months.


How are Envelopes Received?
This box of envelopes is delivered directly to the parish office.

The parishioner is responsible for picking up their envelopes at the parish office. If the parishioner is unable to pick-up their envelopes, they may contact the parish office to have them mailed.

Envelopes are available at the end of August.


WeShare Online Giving


WeShare is an online giving system.

Who Should Use WeShare? Everyone is welcome to use WeShare.

How Does WeShare Work?
Visit, and select from a variety of collections (i.e. Offertory, Building Fund, Second Collections, School Appeal, Flowers, etc.). You may make a one-time or recurring donations using your debit card, credit card, checking or saving account.

Will I Still Receive Offertory Envelopes?

We leave that up to our parishioners. If you do not want offertory envelopes just information the parish office at 727.360.1147, ext. 207.


Electronic Giving

A Direct Payment Authorization is set up between St. John Vianney and your bank.

Who Should Use Electronic Giving?

Everyone is welcome to use Electronic Giving.

How Does Electronic Giving Work?

When registering with the parish, check the box marked “Electronic Giving.” If you are already a parishioner, contact the parish office at 727.360.1147, ext. 202. New parishioners will receive a Direct Payment Authorization in the mail, along with the welcome packet.


Complete the authorization and return it to the parish office.



Weekend Mass Times: Saturday 4:00 pm, Sunday 9:30 am & 11:30 am
Masses will take place in the church building or in the tent depending on construction circumstances.

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Thank you... one of our staff will get in touch shortly!


If you need a priest please call 727.360.1147

445 82nd Avenue,

St. Pete Beach, Florida 33706



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