Legion of Mary
The Legion is a lay Catholic organization; members practice true devotion to Mary, helping the growth of Christ in all of us, and in the community at large. In two-year’s time (2021) it will be 100 years since the Legion’s founding, in Ireland, by lay Catholic Frank Duff. He and two co-founders are being examined for Beatification.
The Legion has a worldwide membership of eight million, half active and half auxiliary. Active members gather once a week to pray the holy rosary, a few additional Legion prayers, and plan their community interface work for Our Holy Mother. Two hours of weekly outreach work are required. Auxiliary members simply pray the daily prayer cycle on their own, supporting the organization’s work efforts and the church. Ultimately, a basic unit, called a Praesidium, consisting of 3–12 members or more, could be established in every parish worldwide.
St. John’s own Praesidium, Our Lady of the Rosary,
meets every Monday morning, 9:15–10:45 a.m.
in the St. Francis room.
All are welcome.
For more information contact the parish office at 360.1147.
The Home Visitation Program of the Pilgrim Virgin involves members of the legion bringing a beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary to your home. We will join you in saying the rosary and other prayers. You may keep the statue for at least a week so that friends and family can join you in honoring Our Lady. We will then pick the statue up at your home. An ideal addition to your home would be to include the Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A priest will accompany us for the Enthronement and will bless your home. We invite everyone to participate in these beautiful devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His mother, Mary.
Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary
(St. Louis de Monfort)
The Legion of Mary invites St. John’s parishioners to join us in this special consecration. Because Jesus has given Himself to us through Mary, those who wish to give themselves completely to Christ can do so beautifully through her. All that is required is a 33-day preparation of 10–15 minutes of reading each day to spiritually prepare to make the consecration.
Weekend Mass Times: Saturday 4:00 pm, Sunday 9:30 am & 11:30 am
Masses will take place in the church building or in the tent depending on construction circumstances.
If you need a priest please call 727.360.1147
445 82nd Avenue,
St. Pete Beach, Florida 33706
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