Becoming Catholic and Sacrament Preparation for Adults (RCIA)



What is the process? What is RCIA?


RCIA stands for The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is the process by which those who wish to join the Catholic faith pray, study beliefs and traditions, and participate in Christian community and discipleship in preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and/or First Holy Communion. The Sacraments give us a new identity in Christ, and a vocation to live as His witnesses.



Who is RCIA for?


• Those who want to become Catholic

• Adults and children ages 7+ who are not baptized

• Anyone baptized in another Christian church who wishes to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church

• Adults who were baptized in the Catholic church who wish to complete their initiation (i.e. seeking Confirmation first Holy Communion)

• Not sure? Give us a call!


For Sacraments for youth, contact the parish office at 727-360-1147, or visit the faith formation webpage.



What if I’m an adult seeking Confirmation only?


If you were baptized Catholic and have already received your first Holy Communion, we can prepare you for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please contact us for more information.



What if I’ve already received my sacraments but I’ve been away from the Church for a while, or just want to learn more?


We are happy to connect you to opportunities to engage you in your faith. Please contact us so we can help you get started.





For questions or for more information, contact Faith Formation Office at 727-360-1147 ext. 233 or email


When you contact us, we will meet you for a conversation to address your questions, concerns, and what has led you to this point. This is your time to discern where God is calling you. You need not commit to the whole process from the start.


Online Resources


Coming Home Network


Catechism of the Catholic Church


Why I’m Catholic
(conversion stories)




Word on Fire



Weekend Mass Times: Saturday 4:00 pm, Sunday 9:30 am & 11:30 am
Masses will take place in the church building or in the tent depending on construction circumstances.

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If you need a priest please call 727.360.1147

445 82nd Avenue,

St. Pete Beach, Florida 33706



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