The mission of the Respect Life group is to foster an understanding of the sacredness of human life in all its dimensions. As Catholics, we respect life from conception to the moment of natural death. We believe all life is God-given and precious, even the lives of those on death row.


St. John Vianney Parish, in partnership with our Diocese of St. Petersburg, and in solidarity with dioceses throughout our nation and beyond, is an active participant in 40 Days for Life. This is a wonderful pro-life initiative that is modeled after the 40 days of the Lenten season. For more information on 40 Days for Life visit,   

The condition for the survival of America is to respect every human person, especially the weakest and most defenseless ones, those as yet unborn. (Pope John Paul II)


For more information on the Respect Life ministry, contact the parish office at 727.360.1147.

Pro-Life Sunday is held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Please consider donating a package of diapers to help support Mary’s outreach. Donations can be placed in the collection cradle located in the front lobby of the church.


To help raise awareness, the Rose for Life will be brought forward by volunteers, in memory of a loved one, with the gifts on Pro-Life Sundays. The rose symbolizes the church’s respect for life in all of its stages and the hope that one day soon abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide will be a thing of the past. Each weekend, the rose is brought up by a family or individual.


This is an opportunity for volunteers to promote a respect for life in a small but meaningful way by contributing to the awareness of this vital moral concern for our church and for our nation.


Volunteers are needed! Please sign up in the Rose for Life book in the front lobby of the church.


Weekend Mass Times: Saturday 4:00 pm, Sunday 9:30 am & 11:30 am
Masses will take place in the church building or in the tent depending on construction circumstances.

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If you need a priest please call 727.360.1147

445 82nd Avenue,

St. Pete Beach, Florida 33706



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