Sacrament Preparation
Sacrament prep aims to help families explore the life-changing identity and vocation tied to the graces of the sacraments. We draw our attention toward a life of union with Christ and how to live as His witnesses. As the stepping stones on the path of lifelong discipleship, sacraments are not an end, but a beginning!
Sacrament prep for youth requires two consecutive years of religious education in a Catholic school or a parish faith formation program, plus an additional sacrament prep program concurrent with the second year of formation.
Registration is due no later than October 13th, 2023 for the 2023-2024 program year.
To register, fill out the digital form by clicking here. If you have already completed the form for faith formation or youth ministry, you do not need to complete it again. If you need a printable copy, please call or visit the parish office.
• If your child is under the age of seven, contact Alice.
• If your child is seven or older, please contact Faith Formation Office.
First Reconciliation & Holy Communion
Baptized children in grades two and above who have completed a year of formation are invited to register for First Reconciliation and Holy Communion preparation. Parents and children will attend preparation meetings ahead of the reception of each sacrament, concurrent with a religious education program for their grade level. Please refer to the calendar below.
Baptized teens in grades eight and above who have completed a year of formation and have already received their First Holy Communion are invited to register for Confirmation preparation. Candidates will attend five prep meetings ahead of Confirmation, concurrent with a religious education program for their grade level.
Sacraments for Adults
Please refer to the RCIA page on our website by clicking here.
contact Fr. Joshua at
727-360-1147 ext. 211
Communion Prep 2022-23
Prep Meetings: 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria, parents attend with their children
Oct. 20
Nov. 3
Nov. 10
Nov. 17
Mar. 23
Mar. 30
Apr. 20
Apr. 27
May 4
First Reconciliation: Dec. 3 at 9 a.m. in the church
Family Retreat: May 6, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., location TBA
First Communion: May 14 at the 9:30 a.m. Mass.
Please arrive by 9 a.m.
Confirmation 2022-2023
Retreat: Nov. 12, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., location TBD,
candidates only during the day, families join for Mass at 4 p.m.
Candidates who do not attend this retreat must find another to attend by Confirmation.
Prep sessions (6:30 p.m.-7:45 p.m.):
Dec. 8, parish hall - candidates & parents attend Dec. 15, youth room - candidates only
Jan. 12, youth room - candidates only Jan. 19, youth room - candidates only
All forms due no later than today to participate in this year's ceremony at SJV: sponsor form, saint name, baptismal certificate
Feb. 2, location TBA - candidates, parents & sponsors (if local) attend
Confirmation: TBA
*The youth room is located in the parish office building on 82nd Ave.
"I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing...As the Father loves me, so I also love you."
Weekend Mass Times: Saturday 4:00 pm, Sunday 9:30 am & 11:30 am
Masses will take place in the church building or in the tent depending on construction circumstances.
If you need a priest please call 727.360.1147
445 82nd Avenue,
St. Pete Beach, Florida 33706
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